Is It Possible To Change Our Behavior?

August 7, 2016


If you’re a boss, parent, spouse, or friend, you probably already know that your initial response to others isn’t always well thought out. Oftentimes, it comes from a place of wanting to get things done quickly, have control, and win arguments. Knowing ourselves and admitting where we fall short in our relationships with others is tough enough, but changing our behaviors seems overwhelming.

Recently, I read an article in the Harvard Business Review where a father addresses his own behavioral change and I found it really intriguing. He simplified his problem solving into three easy steps and then tested his new methodology on his daughter. Here’s the formula:

  1. Identify the problem
  2. State what needs to happen
  3. Offer to help

This can work in all types of situations, especially in the workplace if we just begin to apply it. Admittedly, trying to shift a pattern that’s been in place for years can take time and seem inauthentic at first (especially the helping part), but the results are worth the effort.

To learn more about how Peter Bregman, Father/CEO/Leadership Coach used this to improve his relationship with his daughter, click here.

What about you? What current problem could you apply this to? How is it different from your current method of problem solving?

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